We will always together FOREVER!!!

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Muhammad Ashraff Iman

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday 15 March 2012

Bosan2.... :(

Warrrrrgghhh! da bosannnnn...
erm..., sy da bosan dok berdua... bile nk bertiga nih??

setelah dua kali keguguran sy terasa nk mgandung lg..
jeles negok kwn2 da ade ank comey2 da besau..
tp sy??

erm..., mungkin ade hikmah disebalik semua ni kn..
mungkin esok lusa sy dpt kembar tiap2 tahunn..
hehe Amin..

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Hadiah Kawen Faz & Rizal

Sian mereka da sebulan kawen baru kamiorg bg hadiah.., jahat kn..?? hehe~
Sengaje je, buat dia kecik ati dulu :) Ni la hadiah unt mereka dr kami..

Faz ni opismate aku yg paling mude.., baru umo 22 taun tp da gatai nk kawen.. hoho~
dia pn org yg lurus :) sbb 2 la kamiorg suke men2kan ati & perassan dia :)
pape pn... - Selamat Pegantin Baru Faz.., semoga kekal hingga ke syurga :)
nw time kamiorg belaram gan hadiah dia 2.. see2..... :)

si suzie ni mmg suke sgt inteprem lebih2.., x caye negok jap lg :)
mak buyong pn x ketinggalan.. hoho~ (bile la aku nk rase mgandung cm kak azian ni.. :( dia da 2 kali dh - jeles aku!)
KAMI GENG BOEK :) cool kan?? da kurang 2 org sebenarnye..
see... dia lg dia lg.. haha~ :)

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Boucher Buku 1 Malaysia

Kali nk cite pasal Boucher Buku 1 Malaysia.. hehe~  oleh kerana aku masih bergelar student Cosmopoint (walaupn da abis paper final sem) December lepas..., so aku layak gak terima
sebenarnye dpt rm200, tp da pkai rm50 unt tmbah koleksi.... :)

 hihihihi :) oleh kerana aku nih kakak yg prihatin :P aku bg la boucher 2 rm100 kt adik aku unt beli buku rujukan gan alat2 tulis sbb aku pn da abis blaja bkn gune pn alat2 tulis.., kang aku beli novel jek x de mase aku nk p date gan en hubby (sbb tabiat aku yg bile da pegang novel bole smpai x tido nk ngabiskn bace smapai page akhir) haha..
Dan paling best skali aku beli....
hehe.. comment en hubby:-
da beli buku resipi ni tebal2, siap tulis GERENTI JADI gan 1hari 1 resipi.. lau x masak gak mmg aku bg ko minum air rebusan buku 2!

hahaha.. tp ade aku kisah?? selagi dok campo ni bio la aku jd mem kn? - aku jwb dalam ati je lau terkeluar mau kne pelangkung :P

Sunday 4 March 2012

1st start.. :) Assalamualaikum...

Hi kwn2..name i Laily ye.., i bru2 blaja update my blog yg baru di create dek terlampau syuke negok blog Cik Puan Anis & Melati Puteh hihihi~ 1st time tuh tulis blog! cayela! xcited gile.. ngehngeh..
Orite let start.. mule2 mestila nk bg intro kn. Org ckp,xknal make xcinteee hehe~ my full name.. Norlaily Tukimin - kelass kn name tuh? hehe im 27.. born on 16 Sept 1985 start dr taun 2010, i da istihar public holiday on dat day.. haha~ im the 1st from 5 siblings.. 27 March 2012 nt genap 2 taon im married! kawen itu bes yaauuwwww! haha~ bes sbb dpt hubby yg super duper best, baik, comey, encem hehe.. but, seriously.. im so blessed by Allah because he destined me to be a wife to a husband name Md Misri Masban a.k.a Deng jgn di tnye knp jaoh bebenor dr Misri jd Deng.. tnye tuan bdn sndr hihi... Die sorng yg sgt penyabar, rajin - mmgla bertentangan dgn perangai bininye ini. Maybe sbb itu Allah tentukan kami untuk jd pasangan yg saling melengkapi..haa..msti hubby nanges2 bc nh kn..kn? Currentyly working as a kerani cabuk at oil company called Mooi Foods (adik bradik Mewah Oils) which located in Westport, Klang.
Ok, tuhla serbe sebyk (nk ckp sedikit xblh sbb pjg sgt membebel kt ats tuh) psl my background and the ultimate reason why i create this blog is because i nak share momen2 indah unt tatapn ank cucu cicit (cam penah terbace x ayat tue??)... hehe~
Sowi if i bebel pjg sgt smpai lebam bijik mate korng nk bace? cop...BACE ke? haha... xpe2..1 st time is always the hardest. hihi...till we meet again.good night olsssss..xoxo..